Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories

The Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories, Carroll's first all gift- and grant-funded building, 2016年秋季开业. It has become an essential component of science education and scientific research and innovation—that rivals those of most institutions in Wisconsin, 中西部及其他地区. 在很多方面, it has captured the pioneering spirit of Wisconsin's first institution of higher education.

足球波胆平台 Jaharis Science Labs Exterior
interior stairwell of jaharis with sculptural lighting feature


The Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories features multi-functional classrooms with open space and moveable tables as well as private, 受控研究空间. Wireless technology provided through laptops and iPads allows students to collaborate and project their findings onto several screens in many of the rooms. 
  • Modern cadaver dissection laboratory
  • 解剖解剖台 
  • Large storage/preparation room dedicated to anatomy and physiology
  • Vivarium suite/animal holding area 
  • Zoology collection laboratory
  • 水生套件
  • 仪器实验室 
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer
group of students working together dissecting a cadaver
overhead view of the anatomatage table showing the muscular system
biology and chemistry laboratory

About Michael and Mary Jaharis

portrait of Michael and Mary Jaharis

The main gift for the building, also the largest gift received in school history, was a donation from the late Michael Jaharis, his wife Mary and the Jaharis Family Foundation. Jaharis was a 1950 graduate of Carroll.

By naming the facility the Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories, we not only recognize this magnanimous and prominent alumnus and his family, but also his renowned business acumen in the biopharmaceuticals industry, his philanthropy on an international scale, his profound life of lived faith and his deep appreciation for family. 

在很多方面 he lived the 足球波胆平台 mission—grounded in the liberal arts preparing students for vocational success, lifelong learning and service in a diverse and global society. We are most grateful for this support and honored to have the Jaharis name on this building.


足球波胆平台's $24 million, Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories is a project ingrained with the pioneering spirit of Wisconsin's first institution of higher education. The building was the initial step of a three-phase project to "improve academic quality and strengthen the core educational experience for students.在开幕式上, the facility became the first new academic building to be constructed on campus in more than 50 years. 

The building came at a time of necessity, as nearly two-thirds of Carroll students major in the sciences. The university is especially strong in the health and medical science fields and has experienced unprecedented demand for programs in the fields of nursing, physician assistant studies, 物理治疗, 公共卫生, psychology and exercise science/physiology.

History of the building site

The Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories now stands where Maxon Hall once was. That  building was named after Howard L. Maxon, who attended what was then Carroll College and graduated in 1886. After graduation, he went on to be a banker, lawyer and land manager. 1957年,麦克森去世, 他留下了65美元,000 to Carroll and those funds were used to construct Maxon Hall.

The Maxon Hall project broke ground in 1960, and opened its doors to faculty, staff and students in September 1961. The hall originally housed the math, geography and art programs. It was home to the first computer on campus, an IBM 1620 purchased by the math department, and to the geography department's weather station that featured wind velocity instruments and rain/snow gauges located on the roof.  

之前 demolition of the building in January 2015, 足球波胆平台's Department of Visual and Performing Arts turned the building into a living canvas filled with art installations in their exhibition titled, "Catalyst项目."


